"Home of J.B. Tripple, Now in Army, Gutted By Blast in Basement"
"5 Rural Companies Fight Flames for Two Hours; Cause is Undetermined"
Special Thanks to Charles Stockman (EFC / WFD ret) for providing this article. (Hitchens)
"Ruins of Fire Swept House Near Newport. $3,500 Bungalow Razed by Flames. E.F. Wolfe Family Homeless as Fire Leaves House Pile of Smoking Ruins." - Every Evening Newspaper (The News Journal)
On 18 Feburary 1930 the Cranston Heights Fire Company was dispatched along with the Elsmere FC, prior to the Hockessin Fire Company being Established in1936, with a "Working" Mushroom House Fire... "on Limestone Road, near Hockessin". (Hitchens)
On 21 January 1930, in the "early...morning" at "about 3 o'clock" the Cranston Heights Fire Company responded to the garage of William H. Lord in which his car was stored. (Hitchens)
Taken from the Christiana Fire Company Museum: " A fire in the late 1920's in Christiana" Pictured is the 1926 Seagrave from Aetna Hose, Hook & Ladder Company of Newark and the 1923 United States Fire Apparatus from the Cranston Heights Fire Company, assisting the Christiana Fire Company. Their Pumper (not pictured) is located at a nearby creek. (Hitchens)
Three Firemen Killed As Fire Engine Overturns
By International News Service
Wilmington, Del., Jan. 16 -
Article Courtesy of Dennis R. Hitchens (CHFCo. Historical Committee Chairman)