Photo Gallery

Local Fire Pevention Poster Awarded

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Thank You Veterans and Active Service Members

Sunday, November 11, 2018
We would like to thank the many Veterans who have served in the armed forces over the years. We would especially like to recognize all of our past and current members who have served, as well as those who are currently serving our country both actively, with the reserves, and the national guard, protecting our freedoms. Thank you!

Tatnall School Fire Prevention Visit

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Annual Cranston Heights Ladies Auxiliary Craft Show

Tuesday, October 2, 2018
This year’s Cranston Heights Ladies Auxiliary Craft Show will be November 10th, from 10am-3pm in our Memorial Hall. Crafts of all sorts, from blankets and clothes, to costume jewelry and more will be available from vendors! For more information or to rent a table, call 302-287-9851.

Annual Cranston Heights Craft Show

Tuesday, October 2, 2018
This year’s Cranston Heights Ladies Auxiliary Craft Show will be November 11th, from 10am-3pm in our Memorial Hall. Crafts of all sorts, from blankets and clothes, to costume jewelry and more will be available from vendors! For more information or to rent a table, call 302-287-9851.

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